Save your time, keep your employees, and become a better manager.

Quickly generated 1:1 meetings with solution oriented content, easily manageable feedback & clear analytics.

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1:1 meetings with the content you need

Tired of figuring out what to talk about? Not sure how to find the right questions for the required topic? We’ve done everything for you. Your part is to simply appear on the meeting and know how to listen.

Easily structured and manageable feedback

Communication itself is challenging enough, why make it more complicated, right? Never become buried under the amounts of feedback. Everything is in a safe place, effortless to handle and easy to find.

Clear analytics to see the bigger picture

Go through different time periods to filter out certain 1:1 answers for all team members. See automatically generated results for scoring questions, track your action items, and flagged topics.

Increase your team's productivity

Consistent 1:1 meetings is the key to getting things done. Researches show that regular 1:1 meetings increase team's productivity up to 30%.


Become a better manager

70% of people in management roles are not well equipped for the job. If you feel there’s room for improvement, then OTO is your key to increase your team’s engagement, and make them happier in general.

Reduce the employee turnover

People leave managers, not companies. Make a difference and acknowledge when your coworkers need more attention. You’ll be able to reduce employee turnover up to 20%, which will save you time and money.


Establish better trust

You'll know you're having a real team vibe and trust when times get rough. If you'll rock the world of 1:1 meetings, it's an investment for life.

Simple Processes

1:1 meetings don't have to be a pain in the butt. We're all in for minimum effort and maximum results

SchedulePick a template, add participants & set reminders

Be preparedAdd, delete and change questions if needed

Have a MeetingAdd notes, create action items, flag & tag topics

Check InsightsLook for more detailed analytics to make smarter decisions

Make ConclusionsSee what's done or what needs more attention

Invest into your company's future & team's culture

Companies use OTO to empower their managers to become better leaders, build team culture, and transparency. OTO gives them all the tools to achieve that, and at the same time does it as easy as possible.

$7per user/per month, paid annually
  • 30-day free trial
  • Creating 1:1's
  • Content templates
  • 1:1 question Bank
  • Scheduling 1:1s
  • Automatic 1:1 generator
  • Structured meeting notes
  • Action items
  • Scoring questions
  • Timeline
  • Questions’ status flags
  • Insights

Talk To Us

Use this form to send us your feedback, ideas and questions. We will get back to you.

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